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The Duruflé Album

by Voices of Ascension

"A gorgeously blended and fully transparent sound. Recordings of the Requiem are plentiful, but few are as transporting as this one." - The New York Times

"a stunning performance" - Choral Journal

"Here are Durufle's finest sacred works, the 9 soaring, dramatic movements of Requiem, Op. 9, Messe Cum Jubilo, Op. 11, and the lovely short piece, Notre Pere. All orchestra-accompanied with some nice viola, violoncello, horn and harp solos. Vocal solos by Patricia Spence and Francois Le Roux are standouts. The Voices of Ascension is one of our favorite mixed choirs and The Duruflé Album is a wonderful collection of works by the master 20th century sacred composer." -